Rodeo Parade

91st Annual St. George Lions–Dixie Round-up Rodeo Parade

2025 Theme: 90 Years of Dixie Days and Dixie Nights
Date: Saturday, September 20th 2025 @ 9:00 am

Deadline for registration:  Saturday, September 13th, 2025

Click the two expansion links below, and fill out our online form below.

Paul Gooch, at Southwest Vision on 700 South

Now is your chance to be a part of a St. George Tradition: The Round-Up Parade! The date for
this year’s St. George Lions Dixie Round-Up Rodeo Parade is September 20th 2025.

The General Division is a great place to promote your business, show off your old car, blow your horn, strut
your stuff or just wave to the crowd as you go by. If you or your group has participated in the past, the
Lions thank you and appeal to you to join us again. If considering a first time entry, just do it! It is
FREE to have a parade entry! Give us the support we need to make these parades the best ones ever.

The theme of the parade is 90 Years of Dixie Days and Dixie Nights

Be part of either parade by completing the enclosed entry blank or submit your entry online at the Lions website. Return it as soon as possible as indicated.

If planning to participate please read the entry information and abide by the rules. If unable to take part,
please forward this information to someone who may be interested. Thank you in advance for your participation and consideration.


St. George Lions Club

Parade Committee

ROUND UP PARADE: Saturday, September 20th 2025 9:00 AM (WE START ON TIME)
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Saturday, September 13th, 2025 5:00 PM (AND CLOSE ON TIME)

THEME: 90 Years of Dixie Days and Dixie Nights

PARADE NUMBER AND LINE-UP POSITION: The parade begins at 900 East and Tabernacle. Line-up
numbers begin at that intersection and continue East on Tabernacle and South 200 West. We will stage in the parking lot of the School District parking lot. A map showing entry numbers and street location is provided. Line-up numbers are painted in the street and your entry should be taken directly to the numbered position prior to the parade. Do not enter on Tabernacle from the east as this street will be very congested. Members of the Lions Club will be available along the line-up route with the entry number signs to be posted on the entries and with information about the line-up. Since the line-up is not completed until Thursday afternoon, DO NOT call for your line-up number. Your lineup position number will be posted here. If you do not have a line-up number posted on that link, call us.

PARADE LINE-UP: All entries must be in place, ready to go, no later that 8:15 AM. Failure to comply with the time constraints will result in the cancellation of the entry. Entry along the parade route will not be allowed. This rule will be strictly enforced.

BANDS AND MARCHING GROUPS: The parking lot at Tabernacle and 200 West Directors: If you choose to warm up your band or group in the shade somewhere, we suggest that you have someone assigned to monitor the parade starting point to be sure you are at the starting point at the correct time. We also suggest that you maintain reliable radio contact with that person. Any band or marching group that is not in formation at the time their entry number comes in parade order will be canceled. Do not force us to remove your band or group from the parade. Please follow the rules.

WALKING GROUPS: All members of walking groups in the General Parade must be 6th grade or older.

AMERICAN FLAGS: Correct flag etiquette suggests that only one American flag be used in a parade. The color guard will carry the American flag at the head of the parade.

SAFETY RULES: Throwing candy or any other item during the parade is discouraged. Children can be hurt or killed if candy or other objects are thrown from your entry. Entries will be removed from the parade for safety violations.

APPLICATIONS: Entry deadline is Saturday, September 13th, 2025. The judges and announcers will have no information about late entries. Please fill out the entire entry form. A brief script must be included, so the announcers will know how to present your entry. Entries without a sponsor cannot be accepted.

Parade Entry Form

  • As Sponsor, I hereby agree that if any member of this entry violates any rule of the Parade, the persons in charge of my entry will remove said Entry from the parade, if requested. I hereby release and agree to indemnify and hold harmless, the State of Utah, the City of St. George, the Lions Club and all agents, officers, employees, Department of Transportation, Utah Transportation Commission, Utah Highway Patrol, or other safety personnel from any claims of any kind whatsoever for damages or injuries anyone may incur or suffer as a result of my entry or any portion thereof or person participating therein. I am legally authorized to give this release.
